There’s an error in the serial numbering on the backs of some cards in Topps’ 2022 Bowman Draft Baseball product.
The company announced Wednesday that after a review, there was a printing snafu that resulted in the same serial number applied to cards of 20 different players across four different colored parallels. The company blamed an “automated numbering error in the production process.”
The sky blue, purple, aqua and blue parallels of the 20 prospects were the only cards impacted and Topps says the error didn’t affect the print run or parallel structure. In other words, if a card says it was numbered to 199, that means there aren’t more than 199 cards of that player, just that each one will have the same serial number. Topps says because of that, it won’t be reprinting cards or making product modifications.
Topps has reached out to grading companies to let the know of the unusual situation.
The players whose cards were impacted, the serial numbers that were printed on them and the affected parallel versions are listed below.