Card shops don’t have to be in big cities to succeed. If you can diversify and if you’re in an area with a lot of families to can’t get enough sports–and baseball in particular–success is possible.
Hoopeston is a town of a little over 5,000 in east central Illinois that not only sells cards and memorabilia, but manages to bring in some autograph guests as well. Some fans and collectors will travel a long way to reach this outpost in the middle of farm country.
Hundreds of people turned out but a show in Monroe, Michigan over the weekend didn’t just put a few bucks in the pockets of the dealers and autograph guests.
As it does each time the event is held, some of the money collected went to help a local charity.
The annual Super Bowl weekend card show in Cranston, RI drew 100 dealers and a nice crowd, according to organizers. The event is also a fundrasier.
Tom McDonough had promoted the event since the 1970s and was honored during this year’s show. He has turned organizational duties over to Mike Magnasarian, who talked with a local media outlet that was there to cover the show.
WMUR-TV in Manchester, NH stopped by to take a look at some of the baseball history for sale in the current RR Auctions catalog.