Whether there will be a baseball season by the time 2020 Topps Luminaries baseball arrives is still a mystery, but at least for now, the cardboard is scheduled to keep coming.
Luminaries is slated to release on August 5 and retains its configuration. Each box has a single, hand-signed autographed or autographed relic card numbered to 15 or less.
Standard Autographs
Most cards will fall under three umbrellas: Hit Kings, Home Run Kings and Masters of the Mound.
Each standard autograph card from those three will have Red (# to 10); Blue (# to 5) and 1/1 Black parallels.
Autograph Book Cards, Spark of Light
The biggest hit in the product is the 1/1 Home Run Kings Ultimate Book Card, which folds out to showcase 50 players and their signatures. The Hit Kings Ultimate Book Card isn’t far behind, offering 40 well-known hitters’ autographs.
The will also be 1/1 Ultra Book cards for Home Run Kings, Hit Kings and Masters of the Mound, each with ten autographs.
Another 1/1 book card to look for is The Greatest, which will showcase “30 of the greatest to play the game,” according to Topps.
New this year are Spark of Light Autographs and Dual Autographs which feature young players. They’ll have 1/1 Gold parallels.
Autograph Relics
Home Run Kings. Hit Kings and Masters of the Mound Autograph Relics will all feature game-used memorabilia pieces. As usual, each will be numbered to 15 except for Blue (# to 5) and Black (1/1) parallels.
Home Run Kings, Hit Kings and Masters of the Mound Autograph Patches will showcase pieces of game-used uniform patches, each numbered to 15 with 1/1 Black parallels. There will also be 1/1 Dual and Triple Autograph Patch Cards in Home Run Kings and 1/1 Duals in Hit Kings and Masters of the Mound.
Letters is another Book Card subset with oversized jumbo game-used jersey letter patch pieces accompanying the on-card autograph. All are 1/1.
Spark of Light will also have auto relics with single and dual patch cards numbered to 15 or 1.
Cut Signatures
2020 Topps Luminaries will have a trio of cut signature possibilities. 1/1 standard versions, 1/1 auto relic versions and bat knob book cards with pieces of lumber used by past greats joining the cut signature on the card.
Luminaries boxes are available for around $270 on eBay.